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    What is the capital of Switzerland?
    Who was the author of the novel '1984'?
    What is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?
    What is the capital of Switzerland?
    Who was the author of the novel '1984'?
    What is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?
    What is the capital of Switzerland?
    Who was the author of the novel '1984'?
    What is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?
    Who is known as the father of modern taxonomy?
    What is the main idea of Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason'?
    What is the Nash equilibrium in game theory?
    Who is known as the father of modern taxonomy?
    What is the main idea of Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason'?
    What is the Nash equilibrium in game theory?
    Who is known as the father of modern taxonomy?
    What is the main idea of Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason'?
    What is the Nash equilibrium in game theory?
    What is the capital of Switzerland?
    Who was the author of the novel '1984'?
    What is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?
    What is the capital of Switzerland?
    Who was the author of the novel '1984'?
    What is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?
    What is the capital of Switzerland?
    Who was the author of the novel '1984'?
    What is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?
    Who is known as the father of modern taxonomy?
    What is the main idea of Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason'?
    What is the Nash equilibrium in game theory?
    Who is known as the father of modern taxonomy?
    What is the main idea of Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason'?
    What is the Nash equilibrium in game theory?
    Who is known as the father of modern taxonomy?
    What is the main idea of Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason'?
    What is the Nash equilibrium in game theory?
    What is the capital of Switzerland?
    Who was the author of the novel '1984'?
    What is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?
    What is the capital of Switzerland?
    Who was the author of the novel '1984'?
    What is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?
    What is the capital of Switzerland?
    Who was the author of the novel '1984'?
    What is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?
    Who is known as the father of modern taxonomy?
    What is the main idea of Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason'?
    What is the Nash equilibrium in game theory?
    Who is known as the father of modern taxonomy?
    What is the main idea of Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason'?
    What is the Nash equilibrium in game theory?
    Who is known as the father of modern taxonomy?
    What is the main idea of Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason'?
    What is the Nash equilibrium in game theory?

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